Surprize Pregnancy Blog

Yep, we were shocked. Please check out my pregnancy blog at

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm It!

Mert tagged me with this little activity. It took some time to think up, but here it is!



1. This is the first time that I've ever been invited to play tag, blog wise that is! Thanks Mert!

2. I only started to blog to keep track of my dad's cancer diagnosis and treatments, wanting a way to inform everyone at once, avoiding the phone. But I loved the process, and I'm still here.

3. This may sound really weird but I believe that the absolute best decision I have ever made was to get rid of my home phone. At least once a day I am so happy to only be responsible for my cell. I hated that ring, the inconvenience, and the message machine. Good riddance!

4. I'm sick right now and have been since before Christmas. I thought that it was only a cold, but with a fever yesterday and weeks of feeling cruddy, I think that something else is going on.

5. Having Christmas decor up past Christmas drives me bonkers. And yet, mine is still in full force around this joint. What gives?


Shelby said...

well it's a great tag! I too, only use my cell phone. It's quite liberating not to have a phone in the house - nor a message machine either. It's quiet in my house - Yay!!

Mary said...

Yay, you did it! Mine was my first tag too :O)

It's good you had an outlet while your dad was sick, and what a good idea for your blog to be the hub for information.

I am wondering about the cell phone thing too. It would be cheaper... I just hate having to answer the phone all the time because I would have to give out my cell #. I can just hear it now, "You have your cell phone with you 24/7, why didn't you pick up?"

I am sorry to hear that you are still sick. If you have a fever and have a wet productive cough, you might have bronchitis or pneumonia... you should go see your doc.

I am so with you on the last one, before we had kids we would have ripped it all apart on new years day or the next.