Surprize Pregnancy Blog

Yep, we were shocked. Please check out my pregnancy blog at

Thursday, December 07, 2006

And It Continued Into The Night

After the kids came home we ended up having a "3 year old" emergency. Miss Ivy was playing at our kitchen table with her favorite Christmas ornament a small snow globe that says, "baby's first Christmas". Well, she dropped it on accident and it shattered. She immediately went hysterical. I think that she has developmentally made the connection that sometimes things break and cannot be fixed. She was as devastated as I have ever seen her. It was heartbreaking. She sobbed. I called my mom and my sister, and my sis said that Santa's elf could drop off another globe as a surprize. (They could hear her bawling in the background.)

After cleaning up the glass, glitter and water, I took Bec out of his high chair. He had the worst dirty diaper I had ever seen. And this is including 15 years working at a daycare! It was up to his shoulder blades and all over the high chair. I stripped him in the tub, wiped him down. Gave him a quick bath, then drained the tub, washed it down and filled it up and let him soak. It was really bad. I started a fresh load of wash with all of his messies and took out the garbage.

I had Ivy begin trying to earn a surprize as my sis had dropped off a little train set with snow globe as the train cars. It was adorable! I decided to only give her one at a time, as she could earn them. Well, she was in no mood for any of that and ended up getting sent to her room for kicking her brother. She shut the door on him and when she cries, he cries. They were both freaking out.

Chris comes home with dinner, as I'd called him and said that I hadn't started dinner yet and could he bring home subs. Ivy got her new globe. Bec snacked on our sandwiches.

Ivy was sitting on my lap and we were talking about getting angry. Chris and Ivy and I were at the table. In walks Bec with Ivy's brand new 15 minute old globe, squats on the floor and smashes it.

I laughed. Ivy and Bec cried. Chris shook his head. It wasn't a good day for glass at our house. I kept laughing. There was nothing left to do.

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