Surprize Pregnancy Blog

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Friday, November 24, 2006

An Almost Perfect Yesterday

Yesterday was wonderful. In the past Chris and I have almost broken up a few times over holiday stress. Certain expectations, traditions, and different personalities mixed with a hurried season don't make a calm and loving couple in our house.

The past few years we have each been making small concessions towards a unified Thanksgiving. We have tried so many different ways to go about Thanksgiving and each year we come up with more clues to how we work.

This year I think that we reached the ultimate Thanksgiving for us. Throughout our compromises, one of mine was that I wanted to do one dinner period. No running back and forth, and no running the kids back and forth, as this was my life as a child and I hated every minute in the car, being expected to eat more and more. When I was an adult, I finally said no more. And didn't want to go back.

Chris is much more traditional. He wants to see everyone even if we are in the car for hours. So here is our compromise for yesterday that worked like a charm!

In the AM Chris, the kids and myself went to a Thanksgiving breakfast at a local restaurant. We then came home with the kids napping adn we had coffee and talked. His brother and SIL visiting from Portland walked by with their dog and came in and visited for the rest of nap time.

When the kids woke up, we got them ready for dinner at Chris' moms house in a neighboring town. He packed them up and drove off. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill, and then got ready to meet my family at 4 at another restaurant.

Having us go to a restaurant was a brand new thing for us and it was perfect. I can't remember laughing and playing with the kids like that in forever. We all agreed that we loved it and want to do it again next year. I had prime rib and lobster. Everyone who ordered the turkey dinner had tons of leftovers so I got to bring some home as well.

I met Chris and the kids home around 8. His time was fine by him, although he did have some complaints, but really nothing that we could do anything about.


Today we will have dinner with his dad and step mom, and may see my family for dessert/appetizers tomorrow. I think that I need to get back on the treadmill!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow, that sounds like a jam-packed holiday! I am glad that you guys were able to come to a compromise, and that everyone had a nice day!

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog the other day, and your words of encouragement.