Surprize Pregnancy Blog

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Statement I Knew Was Coming

Yesterday I kept little Ivy home from school. She had been tired all day Monday and didn't sleep well that night. When she woke up she told me that her stomach and her throat hurt. Which I totally believe they were because I have a sore throat today.

After some tylenol and sleeping in, she was back to normal. She spent the afternoon frosting cookies and watching movies. I asked her what she thought she was missing at school. (I knew that it was sharing day and wanted to see if she remembered.) She said,"Mom, the only thing that I am missing is sharing stuff that I bring and listening to my friends share about their stuff." Then she sighs and says, "You know Mom. You could just teach me here at home."

I told her that I thought her teacher at school was doing a really good job she said, "mom, school is not that hard. All that we have to do is reading. then recess. then project. then lunch. then recess. then project. then a lot of fun stuff. Mom, you could totally do that!"

I'm glad for her vote of confidence. But for now, homeschooling sounds kind of hellish to me. I didn't share that with her though!


KrayonKel said...

Hahahaha. Yes, I think homeschooling sounds hellish too. You describe things to a "T."

Sounded like a nice little moment though. She's a sweetie.

Kim said...

Isn't it great when our kids think that highly of us! :=)

Carrie said...

The grass is always greener on the other side, eh, Ivy? ;)