Surprize Pregnancy Blog

Yep, we were shocked. Please check out my pregnancy blog at

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

so far, so good

or alternately titled, not so bad.

I've now been able to mark off 3 days off of the visit list. And a lot of our time spent together has been enjoyable. My little nephew is just a total doll boy. Cutie face.

That said, I'm going to be very honest and say that I'm feeling myself wear thin. Tonight is a rough patch as C had to work until 7, then head out to his sis' for dinner, then off to play a double header in softball. Meaning that I'm pretty much on my own until midnight, so we might as well just call it, on my own until tomorrow night. I'm tired. But I'm keeping perspective. While he was home changing clothes this evening I took a break by sitting in our room with the lights off and the fan on for the white noise. I sat on the bed, closed my eyes and did deep breathing very slowly. It was so hard to not go to sleep.

If I count to twenty, I think that all 3 kiddos will be asleep. I'm so looking forward to my bath tonight.

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