Surprize Pregnancy Blog

Yep, we were shocked. Please check out my pregnancy blog at

Monday, June 09, 2008

Mountain Moving Monday

Last night if you would have told me how many things that I was going to accomplish today, I would have laughed in your face! But, the day turned out to be very conducive to finishing things up and I took full advantage. Here is my list so far:
  1. did all of the dishes
  2. took out the kitchen garbage
  3. grapefruit essential oiled all drains in the house
  4. rinsed out the washer with patchouli oil wash
  5. washed, folded and put away 5 loads of laundry
  6. changed all sheets in the house xcept for ivy's bed
  7. put away 2 comforters into storage for the summer
  8. began my 40 fatbook pages due in july
  9. wrote out a list of clients who still owe their copays for June
  10. turned in 5 clients for nonpay in april and june to DSHS
  11. filled out AND mailed an immunization report that was due in 2007
  12. set out frozen homemade soup for dinner
  13. cleaned out the bread basket (gross)
  14. stopped by a friend's house to borrow a rubber stamp
  15. tried bec on the potty (again)
  16. called chris with the number for a car dealership to check into

Whew! Did I tell you that I love Mondays??

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