Surprize Pregnancy Blog

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another Question

How do you guys limit your computer time? I would totally stay on here all day if I could, to the detriment of other responsibilities.

So, this past week, I have been using my computer/blogging time as a reward. Like, for 15 minutes of housework buys me 20 minutes of blog hopping. Same goes for writing as I count that in my fun, instead of work.

It has been going very well. I've also been powering down the computer from 7-9 to focus on the fam. My house hasn't been this clean since our homestudy. My writing is actually a bit ahead of schedule.

BUT, come night time, with no constraints, I find myself drooling to "catch up" and hunt for new sites. I'm tired, but not enough to go to bed. because in bed, I want to get up and get on the computer! I keep thinking that i"m missing out on something totally great!

Do you think that I'm just adjusting to being on a schedule, which I normally cannot stand? Is it just because I'm finally getting that connection that I missed from the year on livejournal? Does it even out?

Reassurances, please!


Catherine said...

I think having a schedule like that wins you big points! Powering the computer down for family time is a wonderful idea! I tend to spend my time on here in the am when my older son is at school, when my little one is still in bed (I have a sleeper-inner -- is that a word? LOL) -- Then I will hop on throughout the day. Some days more then others! But I'll tell you what, I love the reward system. That's a great idea! I tend to do my cleaning in spurts. I'll do the kitchen, all the vacuuming, do a few loads of laundry, etc, etc, then still have an hour or so before my son gets home and my daughter is napping, so I'll hop on again. Oh my goodness, I told you I always write too much! (sorry! I have issues with run on sentences as well, apparently!) I will close now!

Catherine said...

PS: (and I promise this is all then I'll leave you alone! Why does it say 4:13 am after my comment (at least it does for me?) It is 7:15 am here! Ohhh I think I just figured it out, never mind. You are probably on the West Coast, and I am on the East. See? I do get things eventually! heehee It takes me a bit longer then others, haha!

Mindy said...

hi glad we crossed paths! thanks for stopping by :) some of my blogfriends use to keep track of blog traffic - good luck! i'll be back to visit. xo, mindy

Anonymous said...

Our computer, along with the TV, lives in the cold, icky basement which means we really have to make a point to use them - they're not always there beckoning to us1

Anonymous said...

That's what I do,a half hour for both blogging, cleaning.

Congrats on raising more than double of your goal! That's awesome.

Unknown said...

I work 9-5, so I usually reserve computer time for right before bed on weekdays. I've got a laptop, so it goes atop the covers as I snuggle down at the end of the day.

On weekends, it depends on a.) how much housework I have to do, b.) what the weather is like outside, and c.) how cool the jigsaw puzzle is that I'm currently working on.

Good luck--it sounds like you've already found a good balance, though. :)

alisonwonderland said...

How do you guys limit your computer time?

Oh, no! I'm supposed to be limiting it?! :o)

Truly my computer is a bit of an addiction for me at the present moment. I started playing Blokus online almost a year and a half ago, and then start blogging almost a year ago, and I could be here 24/7, if it were possible. I'm trying to find some balance ...

Mary said...

Blogging comes and goes in spurts for me. Lately I have had circumstances beyond my control stopping me from blogging, it was hell I tell you!;)

I do what you do, I set a timer.

Anonymous said...

I'm addicted to mine. I feel some guilt on occasion, but have no shame. lol