Surprize Pregnancy Blog

Yep, we were shocked. Please check out my pregnancy blog at

Friday, March 02, 2007

Invitations and Thank Yous

First of all, you guys are amazing! And so generous to even think about donating to the cause. I can't tell you how touched I am. When I talked to our donation coordinator at the agency she told me a couple of stories of staff that are getting more education through this project. It is inspiring and I'll share more info later on.

I'm in the process of checking out getting a "Donate Now" button so I can sell "virtual prom tickets" to anyone who wants to "buy" some. I hadn't thought about this at all and Mert came up with the idea.

Lastly, I am printing out the paper invites this weekend and hopefully getting them in the mail. I'm liking how they turned out. If you want me to send one to you, just shoot me an email at and I'll get it out to you. I'd love for you all to see them.

I will also be getting to the next installment of the prom story soon. Part 3 - Prom attire, or the quest for the dress!


Mary said...

Cool, can't wait to see you donate button!

5KidMom said...

Very Fun! I would love an invite. blaine1975 (at) aol (dot) com. Thanks.

By the way, where in the big ol' US of A are you?