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Friday, March 09, 2007

Homemaking Meme

I found this on a couple of different blogs while I was hopping today. Join in if you want!

Aprons- Y/N- I'm totally into aprons, but I never wear them. I love the ones that are full body ones, like dresses. Old fashioned and romantic, especially in a tiny calico with ric rac.
Baking-- Favorite thing to bake: Brownies and molasses cookies
Clothesline- Y/N-- Nope. And I had one here when I moved in, but took it out as it took up too much yard space. Now I just hang things around the patio when the weather is hot.
Donuts-- I have never made a donuts but rumor has it that my aunt and Nana used to make them from scratch.
One homemaking thing you do every day-- Dishes. It has become a habit now and we don't have a dishwasher so the kitchen looks pretty crazy with dishes all over.
Freezer-- Do you have a separate deep freeze? Yes from Costco years ago. It's funny because I thought that I would use it so much more with the kids but we really don't.
Garbage Disposal-- Y/N? No, I'm scared of them.
Handbook-- What is your favorite homemaking resource? The Betty Crocker cookbook. I swear that I always forget how to make hard boiled eggs. My step mom gave it to me for my first wedding and I use it for substitutions and for meat temperatures.
Ironing--Love it or hate it? The only thing that I iron is iron on transfers that I make on the computer. If it has to be ironed, I don't buy it.
Junk drawer--Y/N? Where is it? In my kitchen. I love to run my hands through it's messiness. I wish that I had a junk room where I could just really let down.
Kitchen: Design and decorating? I have white washed cabinets that I did myself. Chris brought in all black minor appliances and an antique stove with griddle built in tha the grew up with. Walls painted a tomato soup red. Stained glass half circle fruits in the window. Painted on, glued on, cut on, loved kitchen nook with bench.
Love: What is your favorite part of homemaking? Anything except vacuuming. I like to clean the mirrors.
Mop Y/N -- Our kitchen has this really cheap white lino that gets absolutely disgusting. We cannot mop without scrubbing first. It is so gross and a bone of contention between us.
Nylons-- What does this have to do with homemaking? I wear footless nylons when I go out dancing and can't wear chonis under tight pants. Otherwise, hell no.
Oven-- Do you use the window or open the door to check? I canstantly open the door. I don't trust the window at all as out light doesn't work.
Pizza-- What do you put on yours? I'll eat about anything but I really love the veggie.
Quiet-- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Take a nap or check the computer.
Recipe Card Box Y/N? I am so lucky to have my mom's recipe card box, along with recipes printed from my dad's mom and mom's mom. It is one of my most prized possessions. I also have a photocopied book of family recipes from my aunt that I use all of the time.
Style of house-- Built in the 1940s by my great aunt and uncle and my grandparents. I am so in love with this house that it scares me sometimes. Should I limit my family size to stay here? I love this house.
Tablecloths and napkins? None unless we are eating outside. Then fabric tableclothes and paper napkins.
Under the kitchen sink-- organized or toxic wasteland? Organized. A lot of vases and sponges. I don't like it under there. Too sterile.
Vacuum-- how many times per week? I despise vacuuming. Chris will on a Sunday. I will carpet filic by swiffer on a Wednesday ONLY if it is super bad. Both of my kids run when the vacuum is on.
Wash-- How many loads of laundry do you do in a week? 7 at least, not counting Chris' laundry which he insists on washing himself put sits around all week. Also not counting rugs, delicates, etc.
X's-- Do you keep a daily list of things to do and cross them off?-- Hell, no. That would be the ultimate in not doing anything on it.
Yard-- Who does what? Yard service if Chris is too busy. Our yard is crazy neat when Chris does it, so I like it when the service does it as it doesn't cut into family time.
Zzz's--Any freaking time I can get a chance. Not enough for at least 4 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uff - I'm procrastinating on the 3 bathrooms I need to clean before The Cheerleader arrives tonight...